What is the Recovery Process after Root Canal Therapy?

What is the Recovery Process after Root Canal Therapy?

TeamRoot Canal

If your dentist has referred you for a root canal, it’s important to make the appointment as soon as possible to achieve pain relief and prevent an infection from developing or spreading. On the day of your scheduled treatment, you can expect to have local anesthesia administered to completely numb the area surrounding the affected tooth.

Your endodontist will start by creating a small access into the top of the tooth. Next, they will use a surgical microscope to aid in removal of the infected or inflamed tissue with fine instruments. The canal space will be cleaned, disinfected, and then filled with a biocompatible material before being protected with a temporary filling or crown.

The root canal procedure typically takes 60-90 minutes. Most can be performed in one visit, however some are more complicated and require 2 visits to properly disinfect the root canals.

It is advised to return to your dentist for a permanent filling or crown within 30 days after completion of the endodontic procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canals

What is the Recovery Process after Root Canal Therapy?

Techniques and advanced technology have made root canal therapy more effective, comfortable, and efficient than ever before. The days of impending dread when facing the prospect of a root canal are relegated to the history books. Instead, many patients feel immediate pain relief after root canal treatment. In some cases, mild discomfort, soreness, or tenderness may persist for the first 48 hours following your root canal procedure. Most patients can resume normal activities very quickly after non-surgical root canal therapy. It is generally advised to avoid chewing anything too hard on the treated tooth for several days after the procedure and until the temporary restoration is replaced with a permanent, bonded filling or crown.

Why is there any post-operative discomfort after treatment?

The process of endodontic treatment involves removing and disinfecting an inflamed or infected nerve space from the small area inside of the roots of a tooth. In doing so, the nerve response from inside of the tooth will no longer be functional. This act generally results in a greatly reduced pain experience for the patient. However, there can still be residual inflammation in the ligament and bone around the tooth that may take 2-3 days to heal. In cases of more severe inflammation or infection, this process may take longer to resolve. Occasionally, endodontically treated teeth feel “different” from other teeth for an extended period of time after treatment. This can be a variation of normal recovery, but if the tooth ever becomes painful it is best to follow up with the office.

Do I need to take time off of work after root canal therapy?

This is a personal choice. Many of our patients do not return to work the same day as the procedure but nearly all patients return to work the following day. Most post-operative discomfort can be managed with over the counter medications.

Schedule a Root Canal in Pleasant Hill, CA

If your dentist has referred you for root canal therapy in the East Bay, contact Tittle Endodontics at 925-676-3388. If you prefer, you may send us a message and we will respond as soon as possible to schedule your appointment.